4 Lifestyle Habits of People Who Live Over 90

Living a long life is something that many people would love to achieve. After all, it’s an admirable goal that many people aspire to have. The first step to achieving a long lifespan is understanding the habits of those who have successfully managed to surpass the age of 80, and even 90!. And while genetics may come into play undoubtedly, more often than not, it’s a person’s lifestyle habits that will ultimately determine how long they live. 

Here are some of the most common habits that people share who live over the age of 90.

A Balanced Diet

One of the most important aspects of staying healthy is eating a balanced diet. Your food plays an enormous role in your entire body’s well-being, and ne of the most consistent characteristics amongst people who live over 90 is how they eat. They tend to follow diets that have plenty of fruits and vegetables in them, as well as whole grains and lean proteins. 

Many refer to this as the Mediterranean diet which emphasizes eating plenty of olive oil fish and nuts. This kind of a diet will not only provide your body with the essential nutrients you need to stay young and healthy, but it also will reduce the risk of diseases. Lastly, what you eat is not only important, but also the amount of what you eat. Portion control is critical if you hope to maintain a healthy weight and reduce fat.

Regular Exercise

Another common characteristics of people who tend to live longer lives are that they move regularly. This doesn’t necessarily mean they run ten miles a day, but rather that they stay physically active by engaging in everything from walking to swimming to even gardening. 

Physical activity won’t just keep your body strong, but it can also boost your mental health and even reduce stress. The more you can find ways to integrate more movement into your daily life, The more you’ll benefit from keeping your body moving.

Strong Social Connections

One of the biggest health concerns among senior citizens is the risk of depression. Social interaction can become less and less common as we get older and we get out of the house less and less. People who live longer lives often have close relationships with family and friends, and make a point to see them regularly. The more that you can make time to see the people that you love most, the more you’ll find your happiness is increased, and ultimately your ability to battle the blues if they ever come up.

Mental Stimulation

Mental stimulation is key when it comes to reducing mental decline as you age. It’s important that you stay engaged in plenty of activities like doing puzzles, or even reading. This will help stimulate your brain, and keep your cognitive functions sharp.