Don Mihalik: Will Florida Real Estate Prices Drop in 2023?

Don Mihalik: Will Florida Real Estate Prices Drop in 2023?

Donald Mihalik has been a successful real estate professional in the state of Florida for a long time. Over the course of his career, he has been involved in local real estate sales, mortgage originations, and even property management services. Similar to other real estate professionals in the state, he has seen dramatic improvements in real estate values in the state over the past few years. While the Florida real estate market did well over the past few years, there are concerns about the near-term future in 2023. Various factors could influence real estate prices in the state in 2023.

Current Real Estate Trends

When looking to project real estate values in 2023 and beyond, Donald Mihalik and others will first look at current and recent trends. Similar to other states, Florida saw considerable increases in value from 2020 through early 2022. From May 2020 to May 2022, the median sales price in the state increased by nearly 50%. However, since then, the values have declined each month slightly and are now down nearly 5% from the peak. Further, the volume of homes sold has declined more than 25% year-over-year as of September 2022, and homes tend to sit longer before a sale takes place.

Factors to Influence 2023 Values

Clearly, there has been a slowdown in the real estate market in Florida since mid-2022. Donald Mihalik and others believe that 2023 could also be affected due to various factors. There are various reasons why values could be affected in the coming year.

Sticker Shock of Prices

One of the reasons that home buyers may be shy about purchasing a home in 2023 is the sticker shock of prices. While most people agree that homeownership is an excellent long-term investment, there is a point where it makes more sense to rent. With home prices up more than 50% over a two-year period, Donald Mihalik and others believe there is a chance that many people could be priced out of the market.

Increased Interest Rates

One of the reasons for the dramatic rise in values over the past few years was the decline to historically-low interest rates. Many qualified owners could refinance their loans or purchase a home with a new mortgage and take out a loan at under 3%. Due to rising interest rates, mortgage rates in less than a year have increased to more than 7%. This dramatically increases the monthly mortgage payment and could make home ownership unaffordable.

Low Supply and Growing State Could Offset Declines

While high prices and mortgages could make owning a home unaffordable, the state housing market does have some things working in its favor. Donald Mihalik and others continue to point out that Florida is one of the fastest-growing states in the country, which increases housing demand. As supply remains low due to the costs of building new and people are reluctant to sell, the average values could continue to remain high.

Overall, Florida has had a solid real estate market over the past few years. While values have gone up considerably in this time, there is a chance that they could head in the other direction in 2023. Donald Mihalik and other real estate professionals in the state have identified various reasons why this could occur.

3 Signs That You Should Be Looking For A Better Career

Just because you have a certain job right now doesn’t mean that that job is going to be the best for you for the rest of your time in the workforce. But because seeking a new job can be quite the headache, many people are willing to put up with jobs that they don’t love just for convenience. However, at a certain point, finding a new job may be the best option for you.

To help you to know if and when this is the case for you, here are three signs that you should be looking for a better career. 

You Don’t Have Growth Opportunities

At the best of jobs, having the possibility for career advancement is vital. Without this, you could find yourself stuck in a dead end job that won’t allow for things like better pay, a better position, more responsibility and experience, and more. So if you’re currently working at a company or in a job where moving onward and upward isn’t something that seems like a possibility for you, it could be well worth your while to look for a new job that will give you this capability. 

You Feel Bored With Your Job

Although many people don’t particularly enjoy the work that they do each and every day, if you’ve found that you’re regularly bored with the work that you’re doing, it might be a good sign that you should be looking for a new job to take on. 

While being bored at work isn’t the worst thing, if you’re newer in your career, you could have decades left being in the workforce before you’re able to retire. And if you spend all of those years not being challenged or curious about the work that you’re doing, which can happen even with a job that you used to love, you might want to look into a new career that can be more exciting for you at this point in your life. 

You Can’t Properly Prepare For Retirement

The last thing you want to have happen to you is to go from working in a job that you hate to not even being able to retire the way that you want to when you’re done working. And because retirement can be expensive, especially if you’re likely to move into an assisted living facility, you’ll want to be sure that the job you have enables you to retire comfortably. 

So if your current employer doesn’t have a good retirement program for you to invest in or you’re not making enough money to put a decent amount of funds toward your retirement, it might be time to look for something that will help you be more financially stable for the long run. 

If you’ve been wondering whether you should stick it out at your current job that you don’t like or look for something new, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you in making this decision. 

Darrin Eakins Shares Four Must-Know Tips For Newbie Investors

Darrin Eakins of Wilmington NC Shares Four Must-Know Tips For Newbie Investors

Looking to start investing? Read this advice from the expert first!

If you want to protect your wealth, investing is a wise idea. Unfortunately, investing can be intimidating, especially if you’re new to it. Further, even for experienced hands, some investing concepts are complex and challenging to understand. Fortunately, Darrin Eakins of Wilmington, NC, will share some must-know investing insights for those new to investing.

“The first thing to understand with investing is that knowledge really is power, or perhaps more to the point, profits,” he explains. “It’s smart to study investing and do so every day, even if you only spend 15 minutes studying; it can make a huge difference.”

Studying investing doesn’t mean having to complete a finance degree at a university or online. Although, if you want to take formal classes, consider your local community college. Many colleges offer affordable investing classes that working professionals can complete in their spare time.

You can also find plenty of great investing books on Amazon. Then you can work through the books one chapter at a time. Another option is to subscribe to a finance/business-focused newspaper, like the Wall Street Journal or Financial Times. Staying apprised of industries and government policies can go a long way too.

So what might you learn while studying investing? Some of the basics can go a long way.

“The first concept newer investors should understand is probably diversification,” Darrin Eakins argues. “If you diversify your portfolio, you can reduce risks, which is very important when safeguarding your wealth.”

Diversification can mean many things. For example, you might hold stock in Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon instead of just Apple. This way, if one company stumbles, your wealth is still protected. You can also diversify by industry, investing in, say, Apple, Toyota, and Johnson & Johnson.

“Investing in multiple industries is often wise,” Darrin Eakins explains, “however, with newer investors, I recommend sticking to industries you know. If you follow technology closely and work in retail, investments in retail and technology offer a good start. Just make sure you don’t let any allegiances say to your employer or favorite tech brand color your investment decisions.”

Investing in industries you’re familiar with may make it easier to understand trends, data, consumers/customers, and more. Macrotrends, in particular, can be very important. If you understand the general trends in an industry, you can look for winning companies that will profit from those trends.

“Definitely, keep an eye on macro trends. If a recession lands, most stocks and other assets will lose value,” he notes. “Also, pay close attention to government decisions, say raising or lowering interest rates, as they can have a big impact on society as a whole.”

Setting Up Your Investment Portfolio

Once you have some knowledge under your belt, it’s time to start building your portfolio. So how do you get started? By finding a stockbroker that offers affordable fees and value-added services.

“One thing investors sometimes fail to consider is how quickly fees add up,” Darrin Eakins says. “Some brokers charge $30 bucks or whatever a trade. Those fees can add up, so consider lower-cost brokers, especially at the start of your investing efforts.”

Local Housing Market Cool Off: Mike Bjorkman on the Signs to Watch Out For

Mike Bjorkman is a real estate professional with many years of experience. Based in California, he’s been paying close attention to recent market activities and is fielding many questions from people as a result.

Recently, he’s had a lot of inquiries about how to tell when a particular local housing market is cooling off. Thankfully, learning how to tell isn’t necessarily difficult, though it will require you to pay attention to a few important things. 

What Your Local Housing Market is Trying to Tell You

Mike Bjorkman notes that one of the best ways to tell whether or not your local housing market is cooling off involves paying attention to the available inventory in the area.

In 2020 and 2021, in particular, as demand surged due to the pandemic and historically low-interest rates, it was rare that any particular house sat on the market for very long. Some didn’t even make it to market before getting several offers. In particularly hot areas, it was more common to see “Coming Soon” signs in front yards than “For Sale” signs.

However, as the market begins to cool down, this all starts to change. More houses will be sitting on the market, and they’ll also be available for longer periods – think days or weeks instead of hours.

Another tell-tale sign that a local real estate market is cooling off is the level of activity at the open house events that usually occur on weekends. Over the past few years, if you walked around your neighborhood and came across an open house, it would probably have a steady stream of people going in and out all afternoon. When the market begins to cool, the number of interested parties willing to stop by will likely begin to drop off – leading to less activity.

You can also tell whether a real estate market is cooling off by paying attention to the prices that the homes that are selling are going for. Keep in mind that sale prices on real estate are a matter of public record – after someone closes on a property, the price that it sold for will be listed on sites like Redfin and Zillow in just a few days.

At the height of recent buying activity, homes were going for incredible prices – including ones that they would never have been able to achieve under normal circumstances and ones that they likely won’t be able to reach again once things return to normal. If you start to see the average selling price of a home in your area creep back down, it’s an indication that things are definitely in the process of cooling off.

In the end, Mike Bjorkman wants to reiterate that we see some genuinely historical activity regarding real estate. First, there were unprecedentedly low-interest rates and record demand. Now, there are higher interest rates to combat inflation. As the old saying goes, “everything old is new again” – real estate runs in cycles, and before you know it, the pendulum will swing back in the other direction. Those who are paying attention are those who will benefit when it does.

Joe Fairless Explains how Rising Interest Rates are Impacting Commercial Real Estate Investors

It’s no secret that rising real estate rates are impacting residential home buyers and leading to cooling home prices throughout the United States. However, for commercial real estate investors, the rising rates are a mixed blessing. Joe Fairless, whose firm Ashcroft Capital manages billions of dollars in assets, offers insight into how rising interest rates are affecting the commercial real estate industry.

Commercial real estate prices are likely to remain stable or even rise in spite of rising inflation rates. Joe Fairless explains there are several reasons for this state of affairs. First, supply chain disruptions and worker shortages have limited the construction of new commercial real estate venues. At the same time, demand is still high, especially in select niches such as warehouse space, multifamily properties, and properties designed for use by medical facilities. Additionally, rising interest rates impact investors’ ability to borrow money to invest in real estate. They can even make it impossible for some investors to purchase potentially profitable yet expensive investment options.

Investors who have refinanced current investments may struggle to make payments, especially on loans with a variable interest rate. There is also the fact that supply chain disruptions that are helping to raise commercial real estate prices are also putting a squeeze on businesses that would rent or lease these spaces. Experts agree that commercial real estate values can remain stable in a strong economy even during inflationary periods; however, the economy is currently struggling to recover from the COVID-19 lockdowns and continues to struggle with various challenges.

At the same time, Joe Fairless notes inflation does have a positive impact on commercial real estate investment in some ways. The fact that commercial real estate space is typically rented or leased to tenants acts as a hedge against inflation in some ways, as renting costs rise along with rising inflation. Population migration due to inflation has opened up new market opportunities in areas where demand for certain properties is on the rise due to population growth. This trend could provide great opportunities for savvy investors who may not be able to afford investments in popular cities or states with skyrocketing inflation rates. Rising interest rates can cause some to choose other investment options, which means there will be less competition for good properties than there was in times past.

Joe Fairless has long encouraged individuals to invest in the commercial real estate market. Investment options range from warehouse space to multifamily dwellings to real estate investment trusts (REITs), and the profit margin can be high for those who pick the right investment option and know when to buy and sell their holdings. Inflation has certainly put a squeeze on the market as prices remain high and mortgage interest rates rise. Investors can lose money if they borrow more than they can afford and are unable to rent out the space in a timely, profitable manner. However, there are also updates an investor should consider. Reduced competition, rising rent prices, and new opportunities can enable savvy individuals to generate substantial passive income both now and in the future.

Tips for Choosing a Gold IRA Custodian

Saving money for future requirements is essential, especially if you earn enough to handle the expenses. That is why you should think about opening an individual retirement account. Generally, this account will allow you to invest in numerous assets, including stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. 

As soon as you enter here, you will get relevant info about gold futures, which are investments you can choose apart from physical commodities. 

However, if you wish to go even further and take advantage of precious metals, you should open a self-directed account where you can get physical commodities. This is an entirely different approach than a regular retirement account because gold’s value functions opposite. 

If you wish to diversify your portfolio and ensure you protect it against economic turmoil, you should stay with us to learn everything about it. 

How Does It Work?

First, you should remember that you cannot invest in gold in a regular IRA. Instead, you should create a special one specifically created for precious metals. Therefore, you can rest assured and get everything you wanted in the first place. 

Regulations are almost the same. The main difference is that you cannot hold paper assets in the gold IRA, which is the case with the regular account. Instead, you can keep physical bars or coins, depending on your preferences. Apart from gold, you can invest in other precious metals such as platinum, palladium, and silver.

Choosing Reputable Companies 

Suppose you start investing without understanding everything you should expect. In that case, you will eventually end up making severe mistakes that will cost you. Similarly, as you would find a reputable bank or brokerage online, you can follow a few tips to help you reach reputable professionals offering you Gold IRA. 

Choosing to make this investment option means you should find a reputable company to help you with the process. Understanding a few essential factors would be best when choosing a gold IRA company.

  1. Qualifications

The first thing you should remember is to find an expert that meets the qualifications for handling your retirement account. Since the investment area attracts a wide array of risks for investors, you should choose someone who can handle the operation without any additional hassle. 

You should consider insurance, registration, adequate safeguards, and licenses, ensuring you deal with a prominent, professional and experienced company. Before you sign any agreement or contract, you should ask for relevant information and licenses to verify the reputation of the company you wish to get. 

  1. Transparency

Finding someone with proper transparency is vital, mainly because the investment is not something you should take lightly. You do not wish to engage with an agency that will avoid showing you everything you can expect from the start. As a result, a transparent company will show you the expenses you must expect throughout the investment process. 

It is vital to know the expenses you must spare for top gold IRA companies, which will prevent surprises and shocks in the future. One of the most common situations is the realization that you must handle hidden fees afterward, which is something you must handle no matter the surprise. 

You should avoid this situation by ensuring the company is upfront about everything. On the other hand, if you find out that they are hiding something and you cannot get them to say it, we recommend you choose someone else. 

  1. Experience and History

The main goal is to check out the track records of a particular company before starting the process. That is why you should research various companies comprehensively and determine their online reviews, testimonials, and experiences beforehand. 

That way, you can choose the best company for your requirements. It is vital to read both positive and negative reviews and use that as a basis for deciding. 

  1. Can They Address Your Requirements?

Remember that a reputable gold IRA company can deal with your preferences and requirements. Each investor comes with specific needs, which is why a good company should understand how to handle them in the best possible ways. 

Visit this link: to determine whether investing in gold is still a reliable option or not. 

You should ensure that a company is flexible to handle your gold IRA requirements with ease. You can find the guidelines by searching IRA investing, which will help you understand every aspect of the process. 

New Makeup Trends of 2022 You Should Not Miss

Do you want to know what the top beauty trends will be in 2022?

To put it frankly, this year is all about having a natural, radiant appearance. Whether you’re searching for bold eye appearance or a simple bronzed face, Dubai makeup has the greatest makeup concepts and courses for you to get started with this aesthetically pleasing work this summer and beyond.

The year’s biggest beauty trends and how to achieve them at home have been the focus of our work on the topic. You can find them right here on this blog. You might be shocked by how easy they can be. Let’s get started.

No Makeup Makeup Look

This trend appeals to the general public and is among the simplest to implement at home. To balance out skin tone, experts advise applying a facial moisturizer in addition to your foundation.

A modest amount of coverage with a radiant finish is the aim. For this style, apply a radiant, glossy foundation or a light skin tint. Spot cover with an intermediate coverage base for more coverage.


A suntanned style is currently moving to the forefront of the line as the weather gets warmer. Try tantouring to achieve a chiseled effect instead of bronzer. It is precisely what it appears like: self-tanner contouring for a more flawless, natural look.

The darkening serum is first diluted with a few drops of my moisturizer, then applied to the areas you wish to contour (i.e., nose, cheek line, etc). It offers a natural look that lasts all day long and is simple to make seamless.

Gloss of Lips

You can opt to make a statement with glossy, sparkling lips this 2022. The juicy, hydrated, glass-like lip is popular right now, whether you’re going for a neutral lip or want a little more color. Combine a shiny lip with a monotone complexion or eyeshadow look by using a high-shine gloss. This year, texturing is a key theme.

Bright Blush

Higher than ever, blush is back. One of this fall’s hottest makeup obsessions is statement blush, or perhaps over-blushing. Right now, bolder colour selections like vibrant pink and peach are in demand, and they are simple to make at home. Use less makeup on your brush for this look, but don’t be frightened of vibrancy. You may achieve gorgeous, delicate colour washes by blending a small bit of blush product well into your brush’s bristles.

The Bold Eyes

Beyond dramatic eyes, this is the time of year to highlight your best features because this year’s cosmetic trends are all about showcasing your individuality. Brows that are thick and fluffy are still a popular bold feature this year. This year, brow lamination is still popular. Use a brow pomade or colored brow gel and attempt a lighter coating first and then work up your audacity to apply more” to gradually accentuate your best features, such as your brows. Excellent makeup brushes are crucial.


Eventually we conclude our blog listing the 2022 trendy makeup looks here. You are free to add them to your collection or get to know about more by joining up for amazing makeup course sessions in Dubai which would be worth your time and money! Don’t think anymore and get started painting the world of aesthetics with your talent and experts’ experience.

Douglas Greenberg: From the Top of the Financial Advisory World to Kilimanjaro

Few people can say they have scaled the heights both professionally and personally. Meet Douglas Greenberg, one of the few. If you know Greenberg, how you know him might depend on where you met him.

As an experienced, savvy, and proven financial and wealth management expert, Greenberg needs little introduction. Preceding Greenberg is his exceptional 24-year tenure at Morgan Stanley, where he became established as a leading financial advisor.

Douglas Greenberg On Top of the Financial World

In addition to earning the Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA) designation, he has also received many accolades over his career. Most notably, he was highlighted by leading and respected publications such as Forbes and Barron’s, among others, as the top financial advisor.

Today, Greenberg is the founder, owner, and president of Pacific Northwest Advisory (PNWA). If the future of PNWA and Greenberg is anything like his past professional or personal endeavors, the sky’s the limit for Douglas Greenberg and PNWA.

To the Top of Kilimanjaro

Getting to the top of the financial advisory world didn’t happen by accident, and it is that same drive for more that propels Greenberg in his personal life too. If he isn’t in the process of making another brilliant financial move, he is in the middle of planning his next great adventure.

With hobbies like traveling, cycling, and skiing, Greenberg doesn’t spend much time relaxing in his downtime. That sense of adventure and his active lifestyle have also led Geenberg to heights rarely scaled. That includes a trek with his two grown sons to the top of Mt. Killamanjaro in Tanzania.

Few people can say they have reached the top of their profession and climbed such personal heights. Greenberg is one of those few who have, both literally and figuratively. Where he goes from here is still to be determined, but if the past is any predicator, chances are, the direction is up.

A Man On Top of the World

An already successful career, a legacy of achievement, and PNWA have Greenberg on top of his professional life. A life filled with travel, adventures, and fun has him on top of his personal life. And with two grown sons and so many accomplishments to his name, Douglas Greenberg is on top of the world.

Getting to the top is just second nature for Greenberg. It is also rarified air that he finds himself in, but the air is sweet up there. Not many people can say they have done what he has, but then again, that is what it means to be on top.

From the top of Mt. Killamanjaro to the heights of the financial advisory world, the sky really is the limit for Douglas Greenberg.

Three Great Advantages of Part-time CFOs for Small Biotechs

David Johnston Three Great Advantages of Part-time CFOs for Small Biotechs

A part-time CFO performs the duties of the chief financial officer but isn’t a full-time employee of the organization. Small biotechs can benefit from the assistance of a part-time CFO with recording and analyzing financial data, completing and submitting annual tax filings, negotiating contracts, and other tasks. Additionally, a part-time CFO can offer crucial assistance during periods of expansion or crisis.

David Johnston of dbj consulting llc, offers three reasons, hiring a part-time CFO for your biotech startup may be the best business decision you ever made.

Saves on the Budget

It is less expensive to hire a part-time CFO than a full-time one, explains David Johnston. It is ideal for engaging a part-time CFO for small businesses that do not yet have sophisticated financial requirements. CFOs are not required to work five days a week for eight hours each day. Some CFOs are so proficient that they just need to work one day a week.

Additionally, part-time CFOs can deliver services on par with those of full-time CFOs, enabling businesses to expand financially without spending excessive amounts of money on hiring a qualified finance officer. And there are typically no contracts binding a business to a part-time CFO. Part-time CFOs do better as a result of this.

More Time Efficient

Since the part-time CFO is only needed for a brief time to provide CFO services, (s)he works hard to achieve the company’s financial objectives within that time. David Johnston says the goals are met sooner as a result. It is not just only time or money effective, but it is also both. Faster growth is accomplished because businesses have more time to concentrate on other areas. Since the part-time CFO is only needed for a brief time to provide CFO services, (s)he works hard to achieve the company’s financial objectives within that time. The goals are met sooner as a result. It is not only time and money effective, but it is also both. Faster growth is accomplished because businesses have more time to concentrate on other areas.

Enhances Staff Effectiveness

The entire finance department team benefits from hiring CFOs on a part-time basis. Providing workers with up-to-date knowledge of financial management is a component of the CFO’s services. Learning becomes ongoing because they have a fresh CFO to mentor them. Their financial management expertise is continuously updated, according to former CFO David Johnston.

Taking part in the company’s development strategy is also the duty of any CFO. If the organization continually appoints new CFOs, new plans and methods are created. It is perfect for business owners who want to use innovative administrative and operational techniques to hire a part-time CFO.

Christopher Letendre:  Expert Financial Consultant/Advisor in Estate and Retirement Planning


      Meet Christopher Letendre:  a licensed professional in the financial advisory and securities industry.  He has been in this business for nearly 30 years and has worked extensively in the fields of securities, annuities, and life insurance.   Presently, he’s focusing primarily on retirement planning.    Having worked in the investment advisory field all these years, he possesses essential knowledge of a wide-ranging concept of money, and how to apply it in a constructive way to achieve the ultimate favorable results. 

         Christopher Letendre has a Bachelor of Science (BS) Degree in Marketing, Business Management, and Related Support Services, which he received upon graduating from Southern New Hampshire University. Currently, he works as an independent investment advisory representative at Brookstone Wealth Advisors, LLC, and Cape Wealth Retirement Advisors.    He is a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) with the state of Massachusetts, and he’s licensed to work in Massachusetts, Florida, and Texas.

Importance and Necessity of Instating an Appropriate Retirement Plan

           As you approach your retirement years, you’ve lived through enough financial crises to learn that specific planning for this next season of your life is especially crucial.     In addition to considering day-to-day and basic living expenses, being prepared for financial crises should also be incorporated into each retirement plan.       Chris Letendre recognizes the significance of readily providing accurate and realistic financial advice and services to produce a comprehensive retirement plan that will aptly suit his clients. 

Beginning Retirement Planning

             Chris Letendre will start by obtaining a complete evaluation of all your assets.   This includes an all-inclusive review of your income by determining the following:

  • Asset management includes Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and work income.
  • Legacy and estate planning.
  • Learning about your long-term goals and objectives.

            After acquiring the necessary information from potential clients, Chris Letendre proceeds to put together a plan that incorporates the fulfillment of all the goals and objectives stated by his clients. He’s unique in how he seeks to work in areas that some may not consider, such as setting up the distribution of money and other assets in a way that will avoid the possibility of his clients outliving their retirement incomes.     Although he’s not a tax advisor, he knows enough about tax laws to work with you to help decrease the negative tax effects that can occur when dealing with retirement assets and income.

Christopher Letendre:    Producing Retirement Accounts That Will Endure for the Life of His Clients

            When it comes to retirement, the overall goal is to be able to live as comfortably and confidently as possible with your finances in your later years. It would be best to work with an advisor who’s an expert in financial business matters; one who will strive to anticipate all foreseeable projections and meet them with the appropriate calculations for achieving positive outcomes.      You’ll want to work with someone who will deliver a lifeline to your future that will provide as much comfort as needed to allow you to continue living your life in a practical and fulfilling way.     Contact Chris Letendre @ to find out what good news he may have for you.